Case Study: How I Increased Client Sales by 200% with a Strategic Website Redesign

Working as a web designer means I often meet business owners who have incredible potential but are held back by outdated websites. Recently, I had the opportunity to help a Canadian client who owned a large printing business. His problem? A website that was stuck in the past, with no option for customers to order print products online. This meant he was limited to serving only local, walk-in customers—leaving a lot of business on the table. Let me walk you through how I redesigned his website, implemented a print-on-demand system, and helped him boost his sales by 200%.

Working as a web designer means I often meet business owners who have incredible potential but are held back by outdated websites. Recently, I had the opportunity to help a Canadian client who owned a large printing business. His problem? A website that was stuck in the past, with no option for customers to order print products online. This meant he was limited to serving only local, walk-in customers—leaving a lot of business on the table. Let me walk you through how I redesigned his website, implemented a print-on-demand system, and helped him boost his sales by 200%.

The Challenge: Outdated Website, Limited Reach

My client was doing pretty well with his walk-in customers, but that was the issue—his business was confined to those who could visit his shop in person. His website was more of an online brochure, lacking any functionality to process orders online. This meant he was missing out on potential clients across Canada who needed his services but couldn’t make the trip to his physical location.

Key Issues:

  • An outdated website design

  • No online ordering system

  • A customer base limited to local, in-person visitors

The Solution: A Modern Website with Print-on-Demand Capabilities

To unlock the full potential of his business, I knew we needed to bring his services online. So, I set out to completely redesign his website, making sure it was both visually appealing and functional. Here’s how I did it:

  1. Website Redesign:
    I started by giving the website a fresh, modern look that was not only easy on the eyes but also easy to navigate. The goal was to create a seamless user experience that guided customers smoothly through the site.

  2. Print-on-Demand System:
    This was the key to expanding his business. I set up a system where customers could upload their designs directly to the website, choose their print options, and place their orders—all online. No more relying on foot traffic; now his services were accessible to anyone in Canada.

  3. Simplified Ordering Process:
    I made sure the ordering process was straightforward and user-friendly. From uploading designs to selecting print specifications and completing the purchase, everything was designed to be quick and hassle-free.

  4. Optimized for a Nationwide Audience:
    With the new system, my client could now serve customers from coast to coast. I also optimized the site for search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find his services online.

The Results: A 200% Sales Increase

The transformation was remarkable. By revamping the website and introducing the print-on-demand system, I helped my client reach a nationwide audience. He went from serving only local customers to processing orders from all over Canada, leading to a 200% increase in sales.

Key Outcomes:

  • 200% boost in sales

  • Expansion to a nationwide customer base

  • A smooth and efficient online ordering process

  • A modern, user-friendly website

Conclusion: A Fresh Start for a Growing Business

This project was a clear example of how a well-executed website redesign can drastically improve a business's reach and revenue. By taking his services online, my client not only increased his sales but also opened the door to future growth in an increasingly digital world.

If you’re looking to give your website the same kind of boost, I’m here to help. Let’s work together to turn your website into a powerful tool for expanding your business and driving sales.